Glass Lifeform
Entries 2025
Entries 2021
Exhibit Info
Eligibility and Rules
Past Virtual Tours
Juried into Online Exhibit
Jesse Allarie
- Acherontia Lachesis
Fay Balk
- Punica Granatum 'Nana'
Emma Bourke
- Mithridate
Lisbeth Biger
- Reliquary / Ficus Carica_Common fig.
Jason Christian
- Volpe
Alexandra Berger Clamons
- Mexican Hat (Ratibida columnifera
Bronagh Dempsey
- Castor Bean - Ricinus Daffodil - Narcissus Death Caps - Amanita phalloides Deadly Webcap - Cortinarius rubellus Hemlock - Conium maculatum Wolf bane - Aconitum Deadly nightshade - Atropa belladonna
Cecile Derel
- Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Eden Evans
- Ideopsis gaura perakana: the Small Wood Nymph Butterfly
Leo Fine
- Bothriechis schlegelli on Heliconia
Lancelot Fraser
- Hiphopopotamus
Alexander Hartke
- Helianthus annuus
Terry Kaplan Henry
- Fire N' Ice Barolo Lenten Rose
Julia Hines
- Enotaki, Morels and Stinkhorn Mushrooms
Lichen Johnson
- Aloe Vera, (Aloe Barbadensis)
Paul Johnson
- Polar Bear Cascading Beads
Josh Kessler (Blueshift Glass)
- Bald Faced Hornet ( Dolichovespula maculata)
Liz Klinger
- Panellus stipticus
Emily Kuchenbecker
- Wisteria
Malem Marie Andree Lemieux
- Human skull - Homo Sapiens
Lindsy Marshall
- Investigation Table
Kacey McCreery (Kacey Jones)
- Lady Slipper Orchid in Bamboo
Saki Mo (Sakibomb Hackysacky)
- cats are liquid
Cody Mohr
- Human Interaction - Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale)
Katelyn Moody
- Smilodon Populator Skull
Lucia Rodriquez Mota
- Dead Roses - Rosa rubiginosa
Sharon Owens
- Red Delight - Richmondena cardinalis
Nash Adams Pruitt
- A resurgence of noelokelani amidst hulu
Mary Quinn
- Trilobite Me
Beryl Rappaport
- Found Love at the Bog - testate amoebae
Elyse Bertaini Sahin
- Magnolia Blossom
Madeline & Ori Shir
- Wish - dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) and Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera)
Jennifer Slotnick
- Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister)
Michael & Joanne Soroka
- Spatula cyanoptera Wing
Tim Spurchise
- Tardigrade
Angela Starosta
- Chrysopa Nigricornis : Black-horned Green Lacewing Fly
Rob Stern
- The Procession
Jon Boley & Carrie Strope
- 'Succulent Fire' (Echeveria chinensis hybrids)
Susan Sweeney
- Aeonium haworthii ‘Kiwi’
Alex Ubatuba
- Actinomma leptodermum
Edgar Valentine
- Hungry Heron, Egretta rufescens with Lampropeltis triangulum
Benjamin Heller Wallace (Ben Wallace)
- Spanish Fighting Bull - Bos Taurus Taurus
Mayauel Ward
- Daffodils vase
Michael FJ Weinfurtner (von Lerchenhotz)
- tomopteris cavalli
Rachel Wright
- Delta Moth Series; Pine Devil Moth
Kwun Lan Wong
- I'll Wait For You
Emma Wood
- Turkey Tail Mushroom / Trametes versicolor
Christian Yannone (cyglassworks)
- Meilland Floribunda Rose Rouge Meilove
Lilian Yuan 0
- The Unseen Salamander - mbystoma amblycephalum,