Juried into Online Exhibit

Lisbeth Biger

Reliquary / Ficus Carica_Common fig.

Lisbeth Biger
Aviezer, HaElla Israel

Description : Kiln Cast Glass , ashes of burnt Fig branches.
Statement : Through a process of incineration and vitrification that takes place in the heat of the kiln ,Lisbeth Biger transforms living branches into receptacles that contain their own ashes. After being placed in the kiln, Biger adds glass to the mold and the melting glass adheres to their surface and wraps them entirely . When the glass cools and solidifies it becomes a protective skin sealing the burnt remains of the branches inside itself. Although what was once there is irrevocably lost, the branches physical shape is miraculously preserved in the transparent material.
Guarding their memory and immortalizing the image of these dead pieces of nature, Biger reveals a truth that is not metaphysical, but objective and indisputable.

Dimensions: 6 x 16 x 3 inches