Juried into Online Exhibit

Lilian Yuan 0

The Unseen Salamander - mbystoma amblycephalum,

Lilian Yuan
Seattle, WA United States

The piece is 100% glass and is made using hot sculpting techniques. It is inspired by the species Ambystoma amblycephalum, whose common name is known as blunt-headed salamander. It is within the same genius with axolotl, its better known friend. Blunt-headed salamander is a critically endangered species, however, amphibians and fishes are the most ignored groups when it comes to saving endangered animals. They are also more prone to climate change and pollution because of their vulnerable habitats.
The flowers it is wearing was inspired by Montiaceae, which is a common herbaceous plant family found across North America. They sometimes are found in wetland and aquatic environments, which coincides with blunt-headed salamanders' habitats. I wanted to use it as a contrast between a wildly found plant and an endemic endangered amphibian species. This piece is an artistic call for people's attention to the reality of the lesser known species.

Dimensions: 3 x 5 x 12 inches