Juried Work
Kathleen Elliot - USA

Apricots Still Life
15.5 x 12.5 x 3 inches Lampworked borosilicate glass, found frame, acrylic on board
Making glass apricots harks back to lovely memories of my beloved brother. We grew up in Silicon Valley when fruit orchards and farms were still in existence here. Some of my favorite memories are of the two of us riding our bicycles to the apricot orchards, eating delicious sun-warmed fruit fresh off the trees.
This piece is made in the lampworking technique, in which the artist blows, sculpts and assembles the glass in the flame of a torch. Today’s modern technique evolved from the ancient version in which artists worked glass in the flames of small oil lamps. The organic surfaces on this piece are created by melting layers of colored glass powders and tiny chips of colored glass onto clear glass rods and tubes.