Juried Work

Atsuko Amino - Japan

Goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)

Lampwork softglass, gold and silver leaf
Dimensions: 2.3 x 3.1 x 2.3

As you probably know well, there are beautiful goldfish of various colors and shapes in Japan. People love them as a familiar creature.

I have been raising them since I was a child. I really love to see the appearance of swinging long and fluttering tail. Their swimming style are really cute.

Fascinated by the beauty of this fish mutated from crucian carp, I am devoting myself to make them from glass. In my glass art works I am focusing to make one specific type of goldfish called Ryukin in Japanese. I made it with the image of "Calico-ryukin" and "Sakura-ryukin".

"Calico-ryukin" has various colors and patterns as shown on the left of the biological photograph. "Sakura-ryukin" has red pigment in different layers under the scales. It has the characteristic that red becomes a gradation then changed to a soft red-white pattern.

Goldfish can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm), however my works represent a young growing goldfish which are born in spring and spent summer to autumn. Goldfish are always with their companions.

My works are also swimming together with their beautiful swaying tails.
I love them. I hope you love them too.