Juried into live exhibit 2025
William Beattie (Will)
European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula)
William Beattie
Providence, RI United States
"On Fear" is a kiln casting of the nest of a paper wasp. I grew up with a strong fear of wasps, and this piece represents my personal inquiries into how i relate to and generate narrative surrounding ideas of threat and safety, beauty, grotesqueness, home, routine, and fear. For me the wasp nest is a strong signifier. They may form spontaneously; represent a neglected space, or a space we cannot access. The wasp nest is an active home, full of life, and full of potential danger. The wasp’s tendency to demand territory, sting and attack is not necessarily the fault of the wasp, but it is something we must contend with.
Dimensions: 16 x 16 x 16 inches