Juried into live exhibit 2025

Jackie Doehling

Blue Dream - Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla.)

Jackie Doehling
Roesemount, MN United States

Blue Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla.) “Blue Dream” is the title I have chosen for my hydrangea sculpture, as I literally dreamt about this and have wanted to create it for at least a couple of years. The petals were all individually formed using Bullseye frit and a form of Pâte de Verre I learned in a class taught earlier this year by internationally known and award winning artist Emma Varga. The leaves were formed using metal molds and Bullseye powder and frit. Everything was shaped using chalk and various ceramic molds. The center is a core of solid glass that was cast, and it was all assembled and cold fused together.

Dimensions: 6 x 8 x 8 inches