Juried into live exhibit 2025

Sally Prasch

Hypericum Elodes - St. John Wart

Sally Prasch
Montague, MA United States

This is a depiction of St. John Wort, seed, root, stem, leaves, buds and flowers. It is a small flowering shrub that is native to Europe but also grows in the US. Its name comes from John the Baptist because it flowers on his birthday. The leaves and flowers contain hyperforin and are often used to treat depression and anxiety. It is a beautiful plant and just looking at it brings joy. This piece is lampworked and all parts are glass. I am also a scientific glassblower so I have used a ground glass joint with a ring seal to fix the plant to the container. The seed is held by a fiber optic filament and will move with any vibration.

Dimensions: 29 x 5 x 5 inches